The Gaia Grove operates with love to cut out the middle man and create a better comprehension of coexisting with our furry friends and family - which cuts out the unnecessary on so many levels. Let’s name a few!
Benefits of cutting out the middle man:
Minimizing the stress on your fluffer and your bank account!
If you’re a pet parent you know how quickly a simple vet visit can add up. We don’t need to get into the logistics and conspired thoughts of why that might be and who’s running this shit show, but rather brain storm ways to avoid the journey all together. I’m sure your fluffer would agree and be super grateful for that decision. Because the truth of the matter is your pup doesn’t speak English. He comprehends energy cues far better than your various selections of works that even you had to go to school to learn.
Animals help us in more ways than we give them credit for, let’s take this moment to strengthen the bond.
How to speak using energy:
For senior animals, animals with recent, current or past trauma history, shelter animals, and strays this tip comes in great handy when making a new lifelong companion. When making actions big or small in sight of your new/old fur friend, keep them calm and keep in mind that you both are getting to know one another. Whether you’ve aged this animal or it’s actually new to you, perspectives, environments, and opinions are constantly changing. This fact is true in life.x it’s how we flow with them that counts.
How to handle an emergency sitch:
Everyone has their trigger radar of what’s considers an EMERGENCY. For some it may be the sight of blood, for others it could be near sudden death. Regardless, that moment is a crucial time to test what you’ve learned. Remembering that your energy counts most in this matter.
Don’t use any heightened tone of voice upon realization. Stay calm. Take deep slow breathes if you need. Take gentle mindful movements toward the animal and specifically around the area of concern.
If it is something like an open wound:
Rinse, sterilize and patch it as you would a human wound. Remain calm and confident. You can do this! This trust will strengthen your bond like no other. Welcome to motherhood!
If your fur baby is simply “not acting themselves”:
Take a nature break, provide an herbal elixir in snack, topping or additive form, or just give them some personal space. Stay present just not all up I’m their grill.personal space and time with self is important for any growing being, and too much attention can create emotional and behavioral issues in the future. So beware of the helicopter parenting methods. Different breeds require/prefer different levels of attention. Being mindful of which breed is a part of your pack can go a long way.
Feeling like a vet visit is preferred/required:
We advise calling a traveling holistic or alternative care provider. Regardless, the way you manage this situation is crucial to assure the strength and peace of mind that your relationship originally contained will remain intact.
Place them slowly, gently and calmly in and out of transports. Use calm tones words, avoid displaying heightened emotions like crying, anxious worry, shaking, or pacing. Remain peaceful so your pack can follow. Avoid allowing your animal to interact with other anxious or worried animals through this entire procedure. Energy is energy and when your fur baby is injured they are in Abilene able state. That facts are true for all beings. Even with these mindful actions you can’t guarantee what will happen behind the scenes. You are no longer the examiner. Which is why home visits are preferred.
Provide your fur baby with natural comforts at this time like scents of home, fresh natural balanced foods, herbs and immune boosters as they undergo this process back to quality health. Be the support you would want to receive.
The more we know, the more we grow. Let us learn all the best ways to uphold the roles we’ve placed upon ourselves and have had the opportunity to uphold. The environment, your fur family and future you will thank you.